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Die Aaseehotels Münster

innenstadtnah und idyllisch.

Kleines modernes Hotel, ruhig am See gelegen und doch fußläufig zur Innenstadt.

Bismarckallee 47 | 48151 Münster
Zum SeeZeit Hotel

persönlich und individuell.

Modernes Tagungshotel am oberen Ende des Sees, ganz nah an der Promenade. Hier starten Sie den Tag mit Blick in die Natur und sind ruckzuck in Münsters lebendiger Innenstadt.

Bismarckallee 5 | 48151 Münster
Zum agora Hotel


We look forward to you. Book now!
We look forward to you. Book now!
We look forward to you. Book now!


After a hearty breakfast, between April and October you can take a tour with the solar ship “Solaaris” on the 40-acre Lake Aa – from the three giant billiard balls by Klaes Oldenburg (1977) at the “Wewerka pavilion” past Tormin bridge and over to the all-weather zoo.
Link to the Solaaris Internet site.

Do you want to do sports and get to know some sights at the same time? On the website “” (Link) you will find a jogging or walking tour over 6.9 km that will take you around the Aasee and the promenade: Route 93, Münster-Promenade and Aasee (Link) . You can start directly at the hotel.

In the all-weather zoo, you and your children can experience more than 2,500 animals from all over the world every day from 9:00 am.
Link to the all-weather zoo Internet site. 

Fancy a relaxing outing in the fresh air? The Segway-Point-Münster offers various tours.
Link to the Internet site.

Do you feel like an oasis of peace in the middle of the city centre? After a scenic walk along Lake Aa, you will reach the botanical garden of the University of Münster in just ten minutes. With over 8,000 plant species and 48,000 visitors a year, the garden is one of the city’s natural highlights.
Link to the Botanical Garden Internet site. 

For active nature lovers the Münsterland offers a unique nature reserve; the Rieselfelder. This European reserve is located about 6 km north of the city centre of Münster on the border to the district of Steinfurt. As a habitat to many rare animal and plant species, here you can expect an extraordinary nature experience. You can explore the area on foot or by bike via one of the circular routes and study the birds from the numerous observation facilities.

Address: Biologische Station, Coermühle 181, 48157 Münster.
Link to the Rieselfelder Internet site.

Do you want to explore the city or the surrounding area by bike? You can rent a “leeze” from us for €8, as the bike is lovingly called here.